ECTRI Spring 2022 Assembly of Members

En el mes de abril tuvo lugar, de forma presencial, "ECTRI Spring 2022 Assembly of Members" en Dortmund, a la cuál asisitó José Manuel Ménendez, en calidad de representante del Board de ECTRI. El encuentro se celebró durante los días 27 y 28 de abril. El primer día, tuvo lugar la asamblea como tal, con el fin de coordinar la…

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MoviTUR oferta cuatro plazas de investigador para estudiantes ucranianos.

MoviTUR participa en la iniciativa que lanzó ECTRI (European Conference of Transport Research Institutes) y oferta entre los estudiantes ucranianos cuatro puestos para trabajar como investigador en Madrid en el área de movilidad y transporte. El pasado mes de marzo, la asociación internacional ECTRI, hizo un llamamiento a sus miembros para que planteasen y llevasen a cabo medidas para brindar…

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Forum for the transfer of Knowledge and Technology of the Polytechnic University of Madrid:

15-Minute City and HealthOpportunities relating Accessibility Planning & Healthy Cities in the AUE The Knowledge and Technology Transfer Forum organized by members of the Department of Urbanism and Spatial Planning (DUyOT) of the Polytechnic University of Madrid with the sponsorship of the Ministry of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA) and the Spanish Association of Urban Technicians (AETU), aims…

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Metropolitan Mobility Observatory 17th Technical Conference – XVII Jornada Técnica del Observatorio de la Movilidad Metropolitana

The 17th  Technical Conference of the Metropolitan Mobility Observatory (OMM) will take place next Friday October 23rd with the participation of MoviTUR professors from the TRANSyT research centre of the UPM. The OMM is an analysis and reflection initiative constituted by the Public Transport Authorities (ATP) of the main Spanish metropolitan areas, the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge,…

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European Research and Innovation Days – Días Europeos de la Investigación y la Innovación

The European Research and Innovation Days is a macro event that talks about the European Horizon at all levels: policy, implementation, impact, barriers, international cooperation, etc. This year the R&I Days will be a completely virtual event and will take place on September 22 - 24. To participate you must register here: REGISTER El European Research and Innovation Days (Días…

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Launch of the «Flatten the Curve-Madrid» Challenge – Puesta en marcha del Reto «Aplana la curva-Madrid»

The Madrid City Council, together with the Madrid regional government and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT Climate-KIC) and the El Día Después (The Day After) platform, have joined forces to promote the challenge of "flattening the curve", with the aim of moving towards a new mobility paradigm by taking advantage of the changes experienced with the emergence…

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